We are thankful that the Lord has brought together a wonderful team to work together to form OREMUNDO Ministries.

Russell Raymer
Russell has served in many capacities of OREMEX/OREMUNDO Ministries since 1993. He has served as the director of the ministry since 2008.
Russell has been married to Debbie since 1996. Debbie grew up in the ministry of OREMEX/OREMUNDO with her father being the founder.
Russell and Debbie have one daughter who is currently working on a double major at Pensacola Christian College with studies in Math Education and Speech Education.

Alvaro Espinoza
Alvaro has faithfully served with OREMUNDO since 2021. Having grown up using the OREMEX/OREMUNDO video courses, Alvaro has a passion for continue providing this type of training for others. Alvaro grew up in Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico, then he reloacated to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon to study his undergrad and masters at the Instituto Universitario Cristiano de Las Americas. He is currently pursuing a Doctor in Educational Ministries degree from Southern Teological Seminiary.
Alvaro has been married to Rubi since 2018. They serve together at Iglesia Bautista Nueva Vida en Juarez, Nuevo Leon where Alvaro is one of the pastors.

Jonathan Latham
President of Board of Directors
Jonathan has a passion for training pastors and leaders. He is a much sought after speaker for conferences and camps. Jonathan teaches in the Theology department at the Instituto Universitario Cristiano de Las Americas in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Jonathan has been married to Wendy since 1995. They served in Equatorial Guinea in Central Africa before relocating to Monterrey in 2008.
Jonathan and Wendy have one daughter is currently studying Criminal Justice at Bob Jones University.
Missionaries serviced

Russell & Debbie
Serving with OREMUNDO since 1993.

Eddie & Dianna
Retired after service in Spain, Italy and Mexico for 50 years.

Joel & Kristen
Church planting in San Nicolas, Nuevo Leon, Mexico – Iglesia Bautista El Evangelio.
Serving in Mexico since 2013.
OREMUNDO Inc. is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit organization and donations may be made to OREMUNDO or any of the missionaries who we service. To make a donation, please send the donations or questions to us at:
4301 N Shary Road
Palmhurst, TX 78573